Thursday, August 18, 2005

something to think about

I have something of a reputation. This is not born from lies, rumors, or gossip, but from actual fact, and personal testimony. I am a good listener. And as prideful as this is to say, I am. I like to listen to people, and I like to hear what they have to say.

However, the most common thing that I have heard this summer, is from three different, isolated people. The first was back in late June, early July. She was sad because he left her before preparing to go off to college. Various other reasons were factors, but this was the main one. My heart cried for her, and I hated to see such a friend go through something so hard. I really wished I could make it all better. The next was not too long ago, maybe early this week. She broke up with him because she is just too immature at dating. She doesn't understand it all, and she tucked tail and ran. Too bad, they're both great people. But, he called me, yesterday actually, and told me the WHOLE story. I understood completely, and the great thing was/is, he's got it all together. All bases covered, all scenarios thought through, now he is left with the trying task of waiting for her to come around. I feel for him, but I don't really have much more to say. My last has gone on too long. I've been telling her for months now to leave him because things are not right. "But they love each other." Love doesn't do this to someone it loves. Yesterday she cried and cried and when she finished, I told her to go to bed, and sleep on it.

As I have traveled from story to story, preson to person, my level of compassion has decreased. Why? If I am to give these friends the comfort and counsel they seek, I should give it to them with love and concern, right? But I'm afraid with each new friend I help, and each new friend I listen to, I become more and more apathetic, and see more and more friends as just another person. What should I do?


Blogger geoff payne said...

Allison, Jacob, Anna

10:42 AM  

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