Monday, August 22, 2005

I am an idiot

I got into a pretty big arguement with a hard core agnostic this past weekend. The arguement lasted for about two or three days. By being a very young and naive christian (like most), i began my argument thinking, "This guy's a fool." Fortunately a neutral third party blew the whistle on us both, and told us "ENOUGH!" I took the down time from arguing and did some research on agnostics. I was so lucky that I am not the stereotypical christian he expected. If I was, he would have butured me worse than...well whatever is badly butured. Fortunately, there are some very good take-aways from the whole scene:
1) I learned first-hand about how agnostics think
2) I opened my mind to allowing room for another way of thinking
3) I had to think very, VERY deeply into and about the Word, which was what I was defending and
4) I proved to a very devout agnostic person that (a) there are newer, different kinds of christians in the world, and (b) we* know we are not always right, and some of us* will admit to it, and (c) not all christians are vindicative, judgemental, arrogant spiritual bozos.

*-'We' and 'us' being christians.


Blogger kab_live said...

where did you go Gap?

2:42 PM  

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