Monday, October 24, 2005


My ex-girlfriend Stephanie called me today. She and I talked for about 35 minutes, and in all honesty, we could have kept on talking just like we used to when we were together. That's one of the most incredible things about us, we can talk. I stopped talking to her today only because my mother was intimidating me with her glances and gestures to get off the phone, but I sure didn't want to stop. That whole experience is kind of interesting. Because of her, I have some deep emotional scars that still hurt a little even today, almost six months later, but I know I will always be able to relate to her in any way.
Yesterday in church, my pastor made some comment about the "cutting edge of worship." I have adopted the definition of "human response to divine initiative" as my own for worship, and I pretty much believe this to be true. But the "cutting edge of worship?" I don't think so. I'm not entirely sure what my pastor was exactly trying to communicate to the congregation (I wasn't paying that close of attention), but I don't think there can ever be a "cutting edge" for something like worship.
According to my definition or worship, up above, and my definition for "cutting edge", the contemporary closest most advanced form, the two can't really be considered in the same breath. I don't think one human's response is always going to be closer and more advanced than another. No two humans are exactly alike, so no two humans should be expected to worship in excatly the same form. I think what works for one Christian in worship, might not always work for another. In this light, worship is sort of an indefinite artistic expression designed for God's pleasure. It can be observed and expressed in many different ways, but has one main goal.

Well, this is what I think, at least. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. But this is what I think.


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