Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It's been a while....

I swear everytime I get on the internet, I always get some sort of message that I've won an X-BOX 360, or an iPod Nano, or a Black RAZR, or something wicked sweet. It's so amazing. I always win the coolest stuff.

I talked with my dad about post-modernism once, and he pretty much turned me off from it. He disagreed with post-modernism because he said they were anti-foundationalist reformers, and that way of thinking can't support any sytem of beliefs. He didn't understand how they could have a system of doctrines or practices if they were anti-foundationalists, because that spirit would declare the Bible, to not be a foundation. If you don't have the Bible, what can you base your beliefs on? Good question, but I think he sort of missed the point.
Yesterday I had an eye-opening experience with a rather nice chap. Just by talking to him, I realized that I am, to some degree, post-modern, as defined by my father. I realized I really don't have much approval of organizedf religion, because it equates in my mind to organized hypocrisy. I also came to the thought that Christians shouldn't standardize Christianity through religion. I haven't read the whole Bible, but I'm pretty sure God didn't say, "Go forth and practice the religion of Christianity." I think we, Christians, should practice the doctrines given to us by the early church. I don't know what they are, the doctrines, but I want to know. I believe that since the early church was created through Jesus' disciples, and inspired by the teachings of Jesus that came directly from God, we have a more accurate view of how church should be.
I know all this rant seems pretty crude and unrefined in lightof some more well educated theologians, or philosophers, but this is my heart. I genuinely believe the human society of this planet is about to engage in a massive cultural shift. It will happen. No doubt.


Blogger kab_live said...

there are deconstrucive postmoderns and constructive postmoderns...BUT, then paradox lies in the idea that one who is truly postmodern, would probably whooly reject being labeled "postmodern".

12:03 PM  

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