Thursday, January 12, 2006

Keep it simple, stupid

My blogging has gone out of control. I'm completely out of touch with my charge.
My life is not very simple any more. It was for a long time before I created this blog, and it was during the early days, but school has knocked my life helter skelter. I need a break from all things draining.
I have noticed that I get derailed real easily, and when I do, it's very hard for me to find encouragement enough to get back on the tracks of life. So, I need to be more of a self starter. That's honestly the biggest lesson I'm learning this year. I know I'll learn it because I've got plenty of time for that kind of discipline, graduation isn't until June 8th, but just the same I'd rather teach myself now so I can have it for later. I've done it once. It was cool. It was like a little church service all for me. That was pretty sweet.
Anyway, I need to encourage myself.
Right now, though, I want some Starbucks and Schlotsky's.
Okay. I'll be practicing the art of self-discipline in the name of God if you need me.


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